Mirc number font for microsoft
Mirc number font for microsoft

Note that all previous versions of mIRC are unable to either send or receive such large files. In all other respects, the protocol is unchanged. This required the following extension to the DCC transfer protocol: If mIRC sees that it is sending or receiving a file with a size larger than a 32bit value, it sends and expects to receive 64bit acks.

  • Added support for the transfer of files larger than four gigabytes.
  • Fixed picture popup menu bug under Vista.
  • Fixed /toolbar load/save bug with parameters.
  • mirc number font for microsoft

    Fixed window focusing bug in certain situations.Fixed script editor editbox warning to take account of long wrapped lines.Fixed channels list window focus bug when getting list.Changed $window().sbstate/tbstate to return button status even if the corresponding bar is hidden.Fixed text display bug due to incorrect text width measurement with some fonts/characters, now using new method to measure text width.Fixed color display bug in tips title/message text.Fixed server ports bug when using toolbar connect button.Improved handling of hotlinks enclosed in brackets.Fixed $calc() returning +/-0 in some situations.Fixed reload logs feature displaying session information twice on reloading a log file.Fixed Channel Central dialog excepts/invites bug, now looks for +eI modes in the CHANMODES token as well as EXCEPTS and INVEX tokens.Fixed tab completion issue with long text/identifier values.Fixed window positions not being saved correctly for certain types of windows.Fixed /scon returning wrong error message.Fixed $istok() not returning error if too many parameters supplied.Zusätzlich wurden angeblich fast alle Fehler behoben, die in der letzten Ausgabe gefunden wurden.

    mirc number font for microsoft

    Inzwischen ist mIRC voll mit Windows Vista kompatibel. Das Programm ermöglicht den Zugriff auf das IRC-Netzwerk, ein rein textbasiertes Chat-System. Der Entwickler des bekannten IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Chat-Programms mIRC hat eine neue Version veröffentlicht.

    Mirc number font for microsoft